In 2019 Ewers Architecture was hired to renovate the building to be more suitable for their organization. After months of design, it was determined that the best solution was to demolish the building and start over. While discarding existing structures is never Ewers Architecture’s preference, this is one instance where it was necessary. The existing building presented a three-story concrete wall separated from the Speer Boulevard traffic by only a 5-foot-wide sidewalk. The new site layout features a tree lawn, wider sidewalk, and additional landscape so the new two-story building allows pedestrians and drivers to enjoy the boulevard experience of Speer. The new building is right-sized at half the size of the original building, saving abundant energy due to the reduction in the square footage that requires heating, cooling, and maintenance. The new building is all-electric, Net Zero Energy, and is a hallmark of the City of Denver’s Electrification Initiative. With an exciting aesthetic, passive and active solar, natural materials, and spaces that suit the needs of the client, this is a building that will be celebrated for generations.
Anticipated Completion… late 2025
Location… 1450 Speer Boulevard, Denver, Colorado
Sustainability… Net Zero Energy, all-electric, VRF heating & cooling, continuous insulation exterior of the building frame
Credits… civil engineer & landscape architect: Baseline // structural: KL&A // mech+elec engineer: Given & Associates // fire safety: Veritas // energy modeling: Energetics // acoustic engineer: Colorado Analytics // owner’s rep: DAE // contractor: PG Arnold