Peter Ewers believes that it is incumbent upon those who are capable to use their gifts and abilities to help others.
At Ewers Architecture we enjoy using our design abilities and professional expertise to reach out to people in need of an architect that may not be able to afford one – whether that is next door or on the other side of the globe.
Our pro bono work reflects our view of what is important – people in need, children who deserve hope for their future, non-profit enterprises that help those in need, and saving historic buildings for our future generations. We also take special care to ensure that each of these projects, no matter the location or the size, will benefit from design quality, appropriate materials and systems, and sustainable design principles. We have been blessed through each of these projects in ways that money cannot buy and no earthly remuneration can compare.
Recipients of Ewers Architecture pro-bono work include:
South Table Mountain Preschool - Golden CO
Whee Preschool - Greenwood Village CO
Free Village School - Kahror Pakka, Pakistan
CURE Children’s Hospital - Niger Africa
Riverview International Christian Academy - Liberia Africa
Golden Visitors & Information Center - Golden CO
Lutheran Church of Hope Anchor House - Broomfield CO
Beacon Church - Denver CO
Golden Pantry and Thrift - Golden CO
Golden Civic Foundation - Golden CO
A Precious Child - Broomfield CO
Christian Leadership Training International - Liberia Africa
The Action Center - Lakewood CO
Fabretto Ministries - Nicaragua
Arbol de Vida (Tree of Life) Orphanage - Juarez Mexico
Rancho Los Amigos Orphanage - Juarez Mexico
Philip & Kaye Ricciardi - Golden CO
Golden History Center - Golden CO
Astor House Museum - Golden CO
Faith Lutheran Church - Golden CO
College Hill Community Church - Dayton OH
First United Methodist Church - Golden CO
Renewable Energy Demonstration Center - Golden CO
Soaring Wings Homeless Shelter - Wellington CO
Golden Community Commons (the Armory) - Golden CO