• The Sanctuary held a fraction of their members, the Lobby was miniscule, and the Social Hall was undersized… not to mention the needs for staff and education spaces.  Through multiple design charrettes with the congregation and many design iterations, the resultant design creates a gracious Entrance Hall from the old Social Hall, an expanded Social Hall from the old Sanctuary, and a new Sanctuary that seats the entire congregation. 

    Sustainability: The new heating and cooling system is all-electric (VRF) and serves not only the new construction area, but also a major portion of the existing, creating a Net Zero Energy addition and one large step closer to a NZE campus.  With north-facing clerestory windows, west windows with shade fins to capture the mountain view, a cross-laminated-timber (CLT) roof, this project clearly aligns with their mission of “unleashing courageous love in northern Colorado.”

    Credits: civil engineer…Baseline // landscape architect…Saarinen Landscape Architecture // structural engineer…KL&A // mech+elec engineer…Given // fire safety…Veritas // acoustics…DL Adams // energy modeling…Energetics // contractor…Pinkard

    Year Completed: 2023


SGI-USA Buddhist Center


Renaissance Secondary School